Outside Parking Lot
Please be aware that the outside parking lot is only for temporary visitor parking, or for cars displaced from their usual underground parking spot due to repairs.
Parking spots in the garage are purchased with the unit. If you want an additional spot in the garage, you could put a “wanted” notice up on the tenants’ notice board in the recycling room.
Please Don't Feed the Pigeons
Many residents have reported pigeons landing on their balconies in recent days. If they come to hang out on your balcony, please, do not feed them!
This is because pigeons are associated with a variety of diseases, and their droppings can also be a health hazard. As an example, a fungus grows in pigeon droppings, and this airborne fungus can cause infection in humans.
Coffee Hour
Next event: Watch for signs in the lobby
Coffee Hour usually happens on the first Thursday of every month, 10:30 am in the Party Room.
Meet new friends and catch up at this informal social event, organized by the Book Hub team.
Bring a toonie for refreshments, and your delightful company!
All residents--including children--welcome.
Do not throw items off balcony
Some residents are throwing items off their balcony, which are landing on the ground or on balconies below. This is strictly prohibited within the Rules and Regulations of PCC 110, which state:
".... The Owner shall not place, leave or permit to be placed or left in or upon any common elements (including those of which he has exclusive use), and debris or refuse, and the owner shall tightly wrap all garbage in paper and tie and place the same in the container provided for such purpose, or as otherwise directed by the janitor or agent of the board, and the owner must maintain strict sanitary conditions at all times. "
We request all residents' co-operation in ensuring that items are not disposed of from the balconies, and that extra precautionary steps are taken when cleaning your balcony. Any resident identified who continues to be in contravention of this notice will be held fully responsible for clean-up costs and will be subject to further action by the Corporation.