Garden Committee
Have you been pleasantly surprised recently by how beautiful the exterior of your home is looking?
This is thanks to the Garden Committee, a group of PCC 110 residents who volunteer their time and effort to enhance our green space. We all have personal responsibility for our units, and we also all have a shared responsibility for the property. The Garden Committee's work benefits us all:
an increasing number of people want to live with easy access to nature
you can walk in our grounds for 1 km and there's always something pleasant to look at
when things open up again after COVID-19 and you have visitors, you can take them on a lovely stroll!
and the property value of our units increases since we have such beautiful grounds
Q & A about the Garden Committee
How does this work relate to what the landscaping company already does?
The landscaping company takes care of lawn, tree and shrub maintenance, plus floral decoration in some locations, and they will continue to do so. The vast majority of what the Garden Committee is doing is outside the scope of what we pay the landscaping company for.
We do not pay for the Garden Committee's labour and by buying plants ourselves we get more value for the money - we do not pay for any mark-up the landscaping company would charge. The Garden Committee is also planting more perennials than annuals; they are less expensive over the long run.
Do members of the Garden Committee get paid for their work?
No, members of the Garden Committee do not get paid. They are all volunteers.
Who decides what the Garden Committee is allowed to do?
The Garden Committee presents their plans to the Board, which reviews and approves them for feasibility where they intersect with condo operations or legal issues.
The planting choices are the responsibility of the Garden Committee, since they are knowledgeable and skilled in this area.
Where does the Garden Committee's budget come from?
The Committee submits a budget request to the Board of Directors, along with an explanation of what they plan to do with the money. This is the same process as for any other committee at PCC 110.
The 2020-2021 budget is $500. This represents less than 0.025% of the corporation's annual expenditures.
At the end of the fiscal year, the Garden Committee will report on their activities, and the use of their budget, to the Board.
The Committee also welcomes donations from PCC 110 residents. Contact anyone on the Garden Committee (contact information below) if you'd like to donate.
Can I pick some of these flowers?
We're glad you like the flowers, but residents may not pick any of them. The flowers are part of PCC 110's common (shared) assets, and they are not for personal use but for the enjoyment of everybody.
Any cut flowers will adorn our lobby for all to see and enjoy.
I notice some vegetables and herbs being grown?
Correct! This year there's an increased effort to grow edible produce which will be offered to all residents closer to harvest time.
What else is the Garden Committee doing?
They're restoring garden areas that were destroyed in the garage restoration construction project.
They, and the PCC 110 Board, have met with the Common Facilities Recreation Centre (CFRC) Committee to encourage the landscaping company to provide new annual planting colours, fill “bald spots” in the other central median bed, and work towards symmetry in the garden beds by the monuments at the front gate.
The Garden Committee has been invited to attend a meeting with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) in late June. Our grounds are the border for the embankment of the Etobicoke Creek part of the TRCA watershed. We have asked for their assessment of the trees on the property. The CFRC Committee agreed to look for direction about naturalizing the grounds with indigenous trees and shrubs. Also, we are concerned about erosion of the embankment by trees growing there. The TRCA Assessment will set a plan for future changes to the grounds.
What if I think someone has vandalized the plantings?
Let management know. If you see something, say something!
Who can I talk to if I have questions or concerns about what the Garden Committee is doing?
You can talk to anyone on the Garden Committee (contact information below).
Alternatively, you can fill out an Action Request Form.
If I'm interested in volunteering, do I need to have gardening experience?
All are welcome, no "green-thumbness" or experience necessary! See the call for volunteers below.
Garden Committee members
Garden Committee members include:
Susan Henderson
Ben Mielke
Virginia Tencate.
And perhaps, you? Volunteering doesn't have to be a big time commitment. Details are below.