Due to crumbling concrete, the pool had to be closed for safety reasons until an inspection could be had. The CFRC Committee called in Belanger Engineering to examine the pool area and unfortunately the inspection in Phase 1 uncovered many deficiencies due to the age of the structure.
Phase 1 was to remove all the tile, drywall, and insulation to expose the structural concrete for inspection of the condition of the concrete forming the pool and pool deck. Visual inspection also indicated a need to replace many of the pipes, drainage and filter systems, again, due to their age.
Phase 2 will have core drilling to obtain core samples of the concrete to see the chloride content, and a chain drag survey to ascertain the extent of concrete delamination. This is similar to the work done for the garage retrofit. This work will be scheduled for the week of November 2. The report will provide the findings and recommendations.
Phase 3 will entail all the work that the report from Phase 2 has indicated has to be done:
A company will be selected to do the work after tendering and bidding has occurred.
Next, a design will be selected for the final look of the pool area.
The future schedule for this work will depend on the engineering report, tendering, bidding, and work schedule of the selected company.
We will update you with more information on all the construction phases as they become available. After Phase 2 we will have a clearer picture of the joint financial planning process needed to complete this project. This will be a lengthy process and we hope that Owners will be patient. The final result will give us an upgraded pool with all the modern amenities, which will increase the value of our property.
Owners are welcome to submit their ideas for the pool design to the Property Managers for consideration by the CFRC Committee.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
CFRC Directors of PCC 110 and PCC 170
What's happening with our pool?
We know, it's steamy hot out there and nothing would be nicer than a dip in a beautiful cool pool!
As at July 11, 2020
Before we can re-open the pool, the following two things need to happen:
It was recently discovered that pieces of the ceiling joint over the pool have corroded and fallen into the pool. This is a safety concern, so we'll obtain an engineering report and then address the problem.
Due to the COVID-19 situation, Peel Region Public Health requires all condominium pools to adhere to new protocols and procedures (if you're curious, you can read them here). The CFRC Committee is working to implement these. Once we've done that, Peel Region will need to inspect the pool and approve it for reopening.
We will keep you updated as the pool progresses towards reopening in a clean and safe way.
We regret the inconvenience during these hot summer days, and we appreciate your patience.
Where to swim in the meantime
As at July 10, the City's indoor pools are still closed. Check this page to see their status.
All of the City’s seven outdoor pools are open. See locations here. You'll need to book your swim time online in advance. More information about swimming in the City of Mississauga, including the online booking link, is here.
Here's information about the splash pad at Marie Curtis Park.
City of Toronto Swimming and Splash Pads here.